Moon-Pluto in tense alignments joins the emotional side of life associated with the Moon archetype with the depth, mystery, and instinctual drives associated with the Pluto archetype.
The challenges: the desire to feed and or be fed (Moon) that is driven by powerful instinctual drives (Pluto), possibly even obsession (Pluto), that can sometimes involve power struggles (Pluto). The mother figure (Moon), or childhood (Moon), that we feel was taken away from us and hid in the shadowy realms of the metaphorical underworld (Pluto). Emotions and needs around mothering (Moon) that are so overwhelmingly powerful (Pluto) as to be scary.
The strengths: an ability to experience overwhelmingly powerful (Pluto) emotions (Moon) that are like transformational forces of nature (Pluto) that can make us feel we are going through a rebirth process. comfort and emotional intimacy (Moon) with animals and nature (Pluto).
Below are examples of famous people born with this combination in their natal charts (natal chart is another word for astrological birth chart, or pictographic representation of the sky when they were born). When we witness how this combination shows up in the lives of others, we can become more self-aware of how this combination shows up in our own lives. The more we are conscious of the ways astrological alignments (otherwise known as “aspects”) show up in our lives, the more the archetypal tensions involved can become integrated in our lives, thus revealing inherent strengths to us.
Please note that the tension of this archetypal combination, as illustrated in the lives and creations of the famous people in the examples below, may be demonstrated in ways that are more integrated or less integrated.
The comfort (Moon) with the instinctual and animal (Pluto) of the Moon/Pluto combination in the chart of singer Bruno Mars can be seen in a skit he acted in during a Saturday Night Live episode in which a character going through family (Moon) drama (Pluto) dresses as a mouse and cannot not make an emotional connection (Moon) with any humans until he meets another human dressed as an animal (Pluto):
Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay exhibits his Moon-Pluto by expressing creative obsession (Pluto) through cooking and nourishing (Moon).
The Moon-Pluto combination in the birth chart of actress Maitreyi Ramakrishnan can be seen in her role as “Devi,” the main character in the comedy/drama “Never Have I Ever.” The series follows “Devi” through her teenage years as emotional bonds (Moon) with friends and family are tested by her libidinal desires (Pluto), creating the situations of emotional (Moon) drama (Pluto) upon which the series centers, and resulting in emotional (Moon) catharses (Pluto) and deep (Pluto) emotional bonds (Moon). Here is a clip:
The Moon-Pluto combination in the birth chart of Mata Amritanandamayi, otherwise known as “Mother Amma” or “the hugging saint,” can be seen in the way people who come to her for emotional healing often times experience an emotional (Moon) cleansing or transformation (Pluto) by receiving one of her very nurturing and maternal (Moon) hugs.
An entertaining example of the Moon-Pluto combination can be seen in the song, Santa Baby, by singer Eartha Kitt, who was born with this combination in her birth chart. The song is an impassioned seductive plea that blends the deep instinctual sexual taboo association with Pluto with the folkloric innocent childhood story (Moon) of Santa Claus.