In Greco-Roman mythology Neptune was the god of the ocean. The astrological archetype of Neptune is associated with infinite planes that have no center, no boundaries, and are not limited by dimensions. Perhaps if we knew not that the Earth was a round planet, looking out over the ancient ocean we might think it was an infinite expanse. If we imagine an infinite ocean extending forever up, down, left, right, in every direction, then there would be not up, down, left and right. Indeed, there would be no center and no boundaries. This describes the astrological archetype of Neptune, and as such it is associated with infinite sky, the spirit realm, heaven, as well as the dream realm and the imagination, which are not limited by any of the dimensionality that limits us in everyday reality.
Because of the astrological archetype of Neptune’s association with infinite planes and heaven, it has certain particular characteristics. The first being that heaven carries a sort of “shine” of perfection that does not seem of this world of imperfections and limitations. The planets in your birth chart that Neptune “aspects,” or is in alignment with, are often the archetypes through which this sense of “heavenly” perfection appears. If a person or an object or experience seems perfect, usually this is the signature of Neptune inviting us to venture further with our investigation, until we find that which is truly limitless and perfect: love, compassion, sympathy, connection, imagination, inspiration, vision. The challenge with Neptune aspects is to get beyond the quality of perfection that is not currently present, and must be reached via time and achievement. This is the illusory quality of Neptune; it is like a perfect mirage in the distance that we strive for, yet when we reach it we realize it was just a dream. Ultimately Neptune reflects the unifying principle that is everywhere always present. It transcends separation and boundaries, and brings all of creation into a transcendent unity.
With this in mind there is another characteristic of Neptune to remain mindful of. Because of its association with infinite planes that have no center, it is associated with a lack of self-centered orientation. When it aspects other planets in our birth chart together they create the combinations through which a lack of self-centeredness shows up in our life. The challenge of this characteristics is that a lack of self-centeredness combined with the heavenly perfection of Neptune projected onto someone outside of ourselves, can lead to us selflessly serving someone who we falsely identify as more perfect than us, leading to a sort of spiritual exhaustion. The flip side of this manifests when we connect with the ever present principle of unity reflected by Neptune. When we tap into this aspect of existence, we can give of ourselves selflessly with devotion, and feel energized in the process, because as we give we receive, since we are all unified together beyond all apparent sense of separation.
One final characteristic of Neptune to highlight is its association with dissolution. Because of Neptune’s association with infinite planes and the infinite ocean, those other astrological archetypes aligned with it tend to reflect a dissolving out into that infinite expanse, and a melting away of boundaries. This can be beautiful and also challenging. The beauty in such a dissolution involves getting in touch with the positive attributes mentioned above, such as infinite connection and unity, as well as empathy, compassion, and the ability to put ourselves in other’s shoes. The challenge lies in the fact that some boundaries are healthy and necessary. When we don’t have proper boundaries we often end up in trouble. The same could be said of times when we don’t feel a sense of connection to an infinite divine unity. So, we must learn how to skillfully navigate the astrological archetype of Neptune such that we enjoy the fruits of life’s ultimate unity, while respecting the boundaries of other apparently separate beings out of the very empathy that Neptune engenders.