Welcome to the Paradigm Shift Support Circle!
We all know the world is going through a colossal reset. (I have outlined the nature and lessons of this reset in my ebook here.)
Yet did you know that for the entire second half of 2020 most of the planets will be retrograde, including the three most impactful: Mercury, Venus and Mars? This is rare.
Much of the world thinks we’ll go back to normal on the other side of this pandemic.
The reality is that we are entering a new paradigm that will NOT resemble the way things were.
The retrogrades are here to help us properly rethink and reframe our lives so that at the end of 2020 we can move forward on our best foot and contribute to the creation of this new paradigm.
Much of the cause of our current reset stems from humankind’s loss of connection to natural cycles such as retrogrades.
Yet the underlying character of this reset goes even deeper.
We have created a dominant culture in which humankind is assumed to be separate from nature, from the universe, from meaning. We are taught the universe is a material phenomenon made of molecules, and that consciousness is an accidental byproduct of molecular interactions in the brain.
If we are separate from nature, from the universe, from meaning, then our life challenges are just arbitrary. Our growth from such challenges also has no meaning. And the world around us is just a lifeless matrix of molecules here for us to exploit.
The truth: not only do your challenges and growth have meaning, they ARE meaning, because you ARE life. You are life creating meaning through coming into existence, through testing itself, through opening its heart to itself.
By returning to your center and letting go of what wasn’t working, you will be doing the BEST thing for the entire world in 2020. The world can only enter into a new paradigm when we each individually enter into a new paradigm that says we matter, that says that within our life story lies the very beating heart of Life itself.
This retrograde period allows us to:
1. Realign with the rhythms of nature by using this time to step back and reassess.
2. Reconnect to our center. Who are we? What do we want? What do we want our life to be?
3. Be leaders by example for a world that wrongly assumes we are going to return to business as usual.
Here are the relevant dates and areas of life of the retrogrades:
Venus: ~Mid-May through Mid-July
Areas of life to reassess and realign: our personal values, things of value, finances, love relationships, friendships, artistic expression, our fashion sense.
Mercury: ~June through July
Areas of life to reassess and realign: contracts, travel plans, documents, documentation, communications, correspondences, wording, writing projects, intellectual pursuits.
Mars: ~Mid-July through December
Areas of life to reassess and realign: action plans, drives, motivations, old arguments, old resentments, rashness, bravery, assertiveness, standing up for yourself/someone/something, sports, fitness.
I invite a small group of you to embark on an adventure of growth over the second half of 2020. This group will be the Paradigm Shift Support Circle.
Each member will receive up to two one-on-one sessions with me per month. These one-on-one sessions will allow your growth over this important six-month period to accelerate and deepen in light of the new insights you will discover.
Here’s what Stephanie, Dan and Barbara have to say about their one-on-one sessions with me in 2020:
“My experience with James was so very helpful and transformative. 2020 is the year of Self-Worth, Self-Knowing for me and this reading was something I wanted to do to further my own exploration inward. And I was not disappointed. James' knowledge of the human experience, the planets, and the way he weaves the two together, is a gift he willingly shares and obviously came to this Earth for. He helped me to better understand the depths of my own Soul and was able to point out very specific planetary alignments that explained some things happening in my own life. My self-worth has increased tremendously. Because now I know the WHY, why I feel what I feel and "hear" what I'm hearing.” -Stephanie
“My session with James was eye-opening and transformative. James provided next-level, masterful insight into my birth chart and general profile, as well as the powerful 2020 transits that we are experiencing. The session I had with James allowed me to realize astrological and karmic patterns that I’ve always experienced throughout my life, which he could see through my chart, and helped me explore how I can transform repeating negative patterns into positive outcomes. I highly recommend James as an astrologer and spiritual coach due to his deep astrological knowledge and ability to make insights and suggestions to help you grow spirituality and personally.” -Dan
“It was great. For me just perfect. I had a few insights into myself, the characteristics of me and my behaviour which I before didn’t understand and was tormented by all my life. Now I feel like with this knowledge about it I can navigate better, understanding the grounds/the archetypes which act in certain situations and be prepared for them. Getting that in my awareness I think is helping me a lot in my process of growth which is very accelerated lately. I love James being so ‘down to earth’ and so deep in the archetypes & psychology. It all resonates with me so much. Thank you so much!” -Barbara
Members of the Paradigm Shift Support Circle will also have access to two group calls each month around the new and full Moons.
These group calls will allow us like-minded souls to forge a bond. During these calls we will become acquainted with how planetary cycles inform the rhythm of our life’s unfolding, and we will engage in exercises that align us with each specific retrograde so that we optimize our clarity and growth while avoiding common pitfalls. These calls will also provide an opportunity for you to ask any questions you like about astrological dynamics.
Because I want to create an intimate community there are only ten spots available in this group. I would love to have more people receive the benefit of the Paradigm Shift Support Circle, yet the reality is that small groups impart a closeness and a focus that is ideal for this deeply spiritual unfolding.
Joining the Paradigm Shift Support Circle is significantly more cost effective than booking individual sessions with me. It runs from June 1st, 2020 to December 1st, 2020. Here are the options for joining:
The Paradigm Shift Support Circle Subscription:
$250/month for six months
Click here to join: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/catalog.php?owner=13604490&action=addCart&clear=1&id=812477
The Paradigm Shift Support Circle (One Time Payment with 20% Off):
20% off of $1,500 for the entire six months
Click here to join: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/catalog.php?owner=13604490&action=addCart&clear=1&id=812479
If you have any questions at all please schedule a call with me by clicking here.
If the Paradigm Shift Support Circle calls you, please book your spot expressly.
We are on a wild ride in 2020; let’s make it an amazing positive adventure!