
Sun/Uranus combines the central identity and mission associated with the Sun in one's chart with the movement toward freedom, rebellion, independence, and potential fickleness associated with the Uranus archetype:


The Sun/Uranus combination in the chart of Jiddu Krishnamurti can be seen in his fierce identification (Sun) with liberation (Uranus) from mental conditioning above all else. The singular importance (Sun) he placed on illuminating (Sun) this freedom (Uranus) can be seen in the titles of his books, “The First and Last Freedom,” and “The Only Revolution.”


The Sun/Uranus combination in the chart of philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre can be seen in his emphasis on an autonomy (Uranus) of will (Sun), and his search for freedom (Uranus) from cultural and social assumptions in order to experience an authentic way of being oneself (Sun).

We can see three different ways the Sun/Uranus combination can show up in these three different examples. The Sun/Uranus combination in the birth chart of Charlie Sheen reflects how the actor is known (Sun) for his erratic (Uranus) behavior. The Sun/Uranus combination in the birth chart of Simone de Beauvoir can be seen in her identity (Sun) as a revolutionary (Uranus) writer. The Sun/Uranus combination in the birth chart of Walt Disney can be seen in that his identity (Sun) is linked with his innovative nature (Uranus) as the innovator of the cartoon industry.

Uranus reflects the zany, fun and funny side of life. The Sun/Uranus combination in the birth chart of actor Jennifer Lawrence can be seen in her fun, funny and goofy (Uranus) side of her identity (Sun):