What is the Paradigm Shift Integration Circle?
The Paradigm Shift Integration Circle is a discussion/study group for individuals with an astrology and/or psychedelic-assisted healing personal practice who would like to deepen these practices and receive peer support in the process.
The Paradigm Shift Integration Circle is an opportunity to receive clarity on your questions about your own psychedelic-assisted healing practice, or that of your clients, and/or your questions about your own astrological birth chart and transits, or those of your clients.
How is the Paradigm Shift Integration Circle structured?
We will meet over Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 8-9:30pm EST/5-6:30pm PST
We will meet for 10 weeks from June 29th-August 31st 2022
The Paradigm Shift Integration Circle will be held in an open discussion format with myself as the facilitator. As the facilitator I will maintain the structure of our time together, including ensuring that the atmosphere is supportive and that all members have equal access to participation.
The format will not include a formal teaching component. I will not be designing lessons for our meetings. Rather our discussion will follow our members’ needs.
Though there is no formal teaching component, when appropriate I will bring to bear my insights from several decades of experience in these fields, including clarifying the archetypal/holotropic perspective, which is the inspiration for the formation of this peer support circle and integral to its structure in the following ways:
The archetypal/holotropic perspective puts forth that a cosmic healing intelligence inherent in creation contributes to the unfolding events in our lives, such that what we experience is what life intends for us to experience so that we might be guided toward our fullest spiritual growth. According to this perspective anything anyone says in our meetings could be just what you are meant to hear, so any member of the group (not just the facilitator) could end up being the right vehicle for the learning and growth for you in that moment.
What topics will be covered?
Understanding our own lives at their profound depths through using the tools of archetypal astrology and psychedelic-assisted healing.
Understanding the lives of others at their profound depth through using the tools of archetypal astrology and psychedelic-assisted healing.
Exploring the big existential questions of creation using the tools of archetypal astrology and psychedelic-assisted healing.
Understanding our own unique path toward cultivating our intuition and our archetypal eye.
Exploring other topics and questions brought up by the members of the circle.
What does “Paradigm Shift Integration” Circle mean?
The “Circle” part of the title of this group denotes how we support each other’s emotional growth, as well as our common desire to more deeply understand the fields of astrology and psychedelic-assisted healing.
The “Paradigm Shift Integration” part of the title of this group refers to the paradigm shift we are experiencing collectively. This paradigm shift is moving us away from a world view in which our individual consciousness is seen as a byproduct of the purely material interactions of a purely mechanistic universe, and a movement toward an experience of existence that includes an inner healing intelligence inherent within our psyches, as demonstrated in psychedelic-assisted healing, and a cosmic healing intelligence alive in the universe around us, as revealed through the practice of archetypal astrology.
What are the requirements to join The Paradigm Shift Integration Circle?
That either astrology and/or psychedelic-assisted healing play a significant role in your personal spiritual path
That you wish to grow in your spiritual path, and support others to do the same
That you have read the brief ebook “The Paradigm Shift Support Manual.” This free ebook articulates the archetypal/holotropic perspective at the core of this group. It can be downloaded for free by clicking here.
How much does The Paradigm Shift Integration Circle cost?
The cost is $150. That’s ten weeks of continuous learning for only half the cost of a one-on-one reading!
How do I sign up for The Paradigm Shift Integration Circle?
Simply click this link.
Do I need to attend every meeting?
You can attend as few or as many meetings as is convenient for you.
Email me at james@jamesmoran.org
*Please note: you do not need to be a working professionally in these fields in order to join this group. This course is open to professionals in both the fields of astrology and psychedelic-assisted healing, as well as to laypeople involved in these fields for their own exploration and spiritual growth.
*Please note: you do not need to be familiar with both astrology and psychedelic-assisted therapy. In fact most members of the group will only be familiar with one practice or the other. Currently very few people are familiar with both. This will soon change, however. And you can be a part of that change by seizing this opportunity to become exposed to both practices and how they compliment each other.
*Please note: if you would like to look at the birth chart and transits of a client or of another person in your life, you will need to gain their permission beforehand.
*Please note: If astrology is central to your spiritual path, please be aware that I practice archetypal astrology, a school within the larger tradition of astrology that emphasizes the planetary archetypes and their combinations more so than the signs and house systems. Archetypal astrology is primarily used to guide individuals in their spiritual development. So, I will be offering insights specifically from this school of astrology.