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What if You Could Know the Future…Just a Little Bit

            The world is changing…fast. That is simply the truth.

No one can deny it.

But a lot of our awareness of the changes around us is superficial. Many current advances in technology are superficial. In fact, not only are they superficial, they are making us more superficial. We spend so much time on our phones and looking at images online these days.

Do you see a feedback loop happening here?

We are becoming more superficial and we are only able to see the superficial change all around us, which encourages us to be more superficial, and on and on.  Self-driving cars are an advancement, but do they make our lives more meaningful? Does being able to share images with anyone anywhere on Earth really deepen our connection to life?

For those of you who are willing to take a step down from this merry-go-round, I have some proof to share with you that the world really is changing—deeply and profoundly. When I say “the world is changing” I mean we, humanity, is changing, because humanity is a product of the world. Humanity and the world are one and the same. We are the stewards and shepherds of the world. We are all of the above. The fact that you are able to grasp what I am expressing shows the depth of change that is happening now in humanity and in the world.

But I will take it a step further. A small percentage of humanity, you could say the early adopters, are leading the way in this accelerating evolution by realizing that not only are we the same as the world, we are the same as all of Life (notice the capital “L”). This includes the Earth that supports life, the solar system that supports the Earth, and the universe that supports the solar system. This even includes the past and the future.

Here is where things get very interesting and personal. In my astrology practice I routinely look at the movements of the planets in the solar system (the same solar system that, along with you and me, is a part of the continuum of Life) and help my clients understand some things about their future. What things? I help them understand the direction aspects of their lives are going so that they can take full advantage of those directions. But even more importantly I help them understand the unfolding storyline of their life. I don’t give such precise details about the future so as to make their life boringly predictable. Rather I show them the rhythm of the unfolding storyline and help them anticipate the next beat. Imagine stepping onto a dance floor to a song you know well vs a song unfamiliar to you. Would you feel more comfortable making your next move to a beat you are comfortably familiar with?

In this way I help my clients get back in touch with life, to feel its texture, its unfolding, its rhythm, and most importantly, its meaning. This is a rhythm of meaning that is not separate from the rhythm of the planets dancing overhead and the meaning of Life with a capital “L.”

Remember, we are not separate from Life. This realization is the very cutting edge of the true depth of change that is sweeping the world.

To schedule a free call with me to learn more, click here: https://calendly.com/astrologyjames/free-consultation