The Fundamentals of Archetypal Astrology as a Spiritual Practice

The Fundamentals of Archetypal Astrology as a Spiritual Practice


Archetypal astrology is the practice of using astrology to understand an individual’s core nature and to illuminate their unique path of psycho-spiritual growth, while simultaneously revealing the fundamental nature of the universe and existence.

This self-study course is designed for students dedicated to becoming proficient in the practice of archetypal astrology, for the sake of understanding oneself more deeply, for the sake of guiding others, and for the sake of deepening one’s own spiritual practice by engaging intimately with the divine nature of reality in everyday life.

The course is open to all levels. Birth chart interpretation will be covered from the beginning level of drawing a chart by hand, to the advanced level of giving a comprehensive chart reading.

Over the course of nine pre-recorded classes, and over 18 hours of content, your innate ability to perceive the divine archetypal building blocks of reality and existence, known as your “archetypal eye,” will be catalyzed, allowing you to:

-Interpret any birth chart upon sight

-Synthesize the separate characteristics of a birth chart into one comprehensive portrait of an individual’s psyche, life, and potential

-Guide any individual along the unique path of their individual psycho-spiritual growth

-Adventure across the fascinating inner terrain of your own psyche using your birth chart as a map

-Commune with the presence of the divine in your everyday life

Here’s what students are saying:

"James brings a great energy and openness to this course. I came away from it with a solid grasp of the fundamentals as well as how archetypal astrology relates to other modalities. Definitely recommended!" –Gordon from Tasmania

“I am so glad I took James’ course. I’ve been practicing Shamanic Astrology for about 10 years. What I appreciate most from taking this course is developing a more integrated ‘archetypal eye’ when evaluating natal and transit charts and the way it facilitates self-exploration for the client. Thank you, James!” -Viola in Nevada

"James is very generous with his information about Astrology, especially Archetypal Astrology. Through his patience and clarity I can (finally) actually begin to read charts."-Miriam in California

The required reading for this course can be found here and here.

Come unlock your ability to perceive the divine intelligence orchestrating creation, by joining the community of practicing archetypal astrologers!

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