Posts tagged Neptune
How to Turn Your Anger Into a Spiritual Path #WuTangClan #QuentinTarantino #KhabibNurmagomedov #MoriheiUeshiba #UmaThurman

When we understand the symbolic language of astrology we can gain so much clarity about our own behavior and how to transform our self-sabotaging behavior into our personal strength.

For example, in astrology the symbolism of Mars is associated with our ability to spring into action. Wars, arguments, fights, as well as bravery, assertiveness, and agency are all associated with Mars. The symbolism of Neptune involves all things that appear infinite, like the ocean and heaven.

When one is born with Mars and Neptune together we see Mars’ action-oriented tendency toward bravery and conflict combined with the water-like and spiritual qualities of Neptune…

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Your Inner Visionary Revealed #ElonMusk #JimHenson

We all have a visionary within.

All of us.

Just because your inner visionary does or does not conform to societal standards about what a visionary should be, doesn’t make your inner visionary any less important.

            For instance, maybe your inner visionary daydreams about fabulous interior design layouts.

Still an inner visionary…

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What the Stars Reveal About Donald Trump and Border Walls

In 2019 we face one of the most difficult planetary alignments and one of the most positive planetary alignments.

            If you’re new to astrology know that these alignments simply reflect and help us understand situations we’ll be wrestling with here on Earth over the next year. Looking at these alignments is like looking at the headlines in the news for the year, before the year happens…

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Your Call to Service Amongst the Stars

We live in the age of space exploration. A long line awaits those eager to pledge their lives to the colonization of Mars. NASA recently announced their intention to revisit the Moon. The stars are dazzling a race that wants desperately to survive.

Space exploration holds even more immediate bearing on our planet's survival than NASA has envisioned...

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