Posts tagged Moon
Your won title here

How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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Your won title here

How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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Your won title here

How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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Your won title here

How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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How to Channel Your Raw Sexual/Creative Energy Productively #GeorgeRRMartin #SelenaGomez #BruceSpringstein #FrankFrazetta #GordonRamsey #MarlonBrando

In our astrological birth chart our raw sexual/creative/destructive energy is reflected in where Pluto was when we were born.

In Greco/Roman mythology Pluto was the god of the underworld. In astrology Pluto symbolizes the power of our deep instincts.

The power that lies below the earth (in Pluto’s realm) is released through explosive volcanic eruptions.

Similarly, the powerful instincts that lie deep within us can erupt out of us in volcanic acts of creation, passion, or destruction.

That passion can be destructive or productive and creative depending on whether or not we know how to use it. We learn how to use it when we understand what Pluto was combined with when we were born, and thus we understand our own deeply personal passion power, and how to use it for good in our work…

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How to Use Astrology to Align Your Will and Your Emotions #conormcgregor #fullmoon #newmoon

Do you set out to fulfill your life’s purpose and find that your emotions have hijacked your efforts?

            The universe we see when we look up at the night sky actually reflects the universe that is within us. Where the Sun and Moon were on the moment you were born reflects the relationship between your will (Sun) and your emotions (Moon).

            If you were born on a new or full Moon, for instance, your will and emotions are combined in a tense relationship. You may set out to consciously accomplish something through your will (Sun) and find that your emotions (Moon) side-track you.

            The lesson here is that people born with the Sun and Moon in a tense alignment actually need to integrate the caring, nurturing emotion-focused quality of the Moon into their conscious will…

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Do Your Emotions Undermine Your Ability to Communicate Clearly? Here’s How to Align Your Emotions and Your Communication.

Are you frustrated that your message isn’t coming across? You try to communicate clearly, yet you go into a downward spiral in which the same emotions you want to communicate end up tripping you up.

The trick to communicating your emotions clearly and effectively lies in understanding your unique communication style.

In astrology communication, speech and thought are associated with Mercury. The emotions, childhood, family and home are associated with the Moon…

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Why Annoying People Can Be Good For Your Productivity

Those who were born with the Moon and Mars in alignment often play an interesting role in life: they bother us.

            In your astrological birth chart the Moon symbolizes your emotional identity. It reveals where we are emotionally comfortable and says a lot about the ways in which we emotionally bond with others…

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Your Call to Service Amongst the Stars

We live in the age of space exploration. A long line awaits those eager to pledge their lives to the colonization of Mars. NASA recently announced their intention to revisit the Moon. The stars are dazzling a race that wants desperately to survive.

Space exploration holds even more immediate bearing on our planet's survival than NASA has envisioned...

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