Posts in Synchronicity
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How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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Your won title here

How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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Your won title here

How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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Your won title here

How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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How to Recognize Gifts From the Universe

An amazing thing happened to me. I was concluding a meeting and had a long bike ride in the hot sun ahead of me. I had no water on me. I was returning to where I had locked my bike and considering where I could buy water or a sports drink. Then I noticed on the handlebar of my bike a bag with two big cold bottles of Gatorade in it. A construction worker saw my approach, claimed the bag of Gatorade and apologized. I joked, "I was wondering how someone knew I wanted a Gatorade." The construction worker said, "You know what..." and he handed me one of the bottles...

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