Your won title here

How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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Your won title here

How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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Your won title here

Whenever you hear a person or group of people being singled out for behavior that is “terrible” or “wrong,” remember that we are all part of one system.

            The enemy is never a person or people or animal or being of any kind. The enemy is our lack of awareness of a part of the mind whose job it is to pinpoint and single out “problems” for the sake of our survival.

When we are singling out our “problems” in our lives, the reason for our suffering, for our lack of progress, a wonderful part of the mind is functioning.  This part of the mind has evolved into a sharp instrument for our survival.

It is our tool and yet we forget this; we become its servant. We are like zombies carrying around a plague that is controlling us in order to spread itself to more people (perhaps this is one of the reasons zombie apocalypse movies are so popular these days—we are subconsciously aware of this zombification)…

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Your won title here

How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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Your won title here

Whenever you hear a person or group of people being singled out for behavior that is “terrible” or “wrong,” remember that we are all part of one system.

            The enemy is never a person or people or animal or being of any kind. The enemy is our lack of awareness of a part of the mind whose job it is to pinpoint and single out “problems” for the sake of our survival.

When we are singling out our “problems” in our lives, the reason for our suffering, for our lack of progress, a wonderful part of the mind is functioning.  This part of the mind has evolved into a sharp instrument for our survival.

It is our tool and yet we forget this; we become its servant. We are like zombies carrying around a plague that is controlling us in order to spread itself to more people (perhaps this is one of the reasons zombie apocalypse movies are so popular these days—we are subconsciously aware of this zombification)…

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Your won title here

If you’ve ever heard a lecture on meditation you may have heard the dark side of the mind brought up. This is the storage vault of your doubts and fears.

In meditation we’re meant to just observe them and not really play in to them.

Yet, why when doubts come up, do we never ever just observe them?

Why don’t we remember that lecture on meditation that forewarned us and prepared us for this very moment?…

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Your won title here

If you’ve ever heard a lecture on meditation you may have heard the dark side of the mind brought up. This is the storage vault of your doubts and fears.

In meditation we’re meant to just observe them and not really play in to them.

Yet, why when doubts come up, do we never ever just observe them?

Why don’t we remember that lecture on meditation that forewarned us and prepared us for this very moment?…

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Your won title here

How does a tiny acorn become the mighty oak tree?

            Hint: it’s not what you think.

            Sure, the DNA in the seed has something to do with the tree’s final shape.

            But DNA is only part of the story. DNA doesn’t provide water to the seed. DNA doesn’t provide nutrients and sunlight.

            Yet the water, soil and sunlight of the environment aren’t even the whole story.

            In order to grow the oak tree needs the gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the Sun, the pull of the Moon. The necessary factors become subtler but nonetheless essential the farther away you back the lens from the tree…

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It's Not All Up to You. You Are a Part of Something Bigger

Whenever you hear a person or group of people being singled out for behavior that is “terrible” or “wrong,” remember that we are all part of one system.

            The enemy is never a person or people or animal or being of any kind. The enemy is our lack of awareness of a part of the mind whose job it is to pinpoint and single out “problems” for the sake of our survival.

When we are singling out our “problems” in our lives, the reason for our suffering, for our lack of progress, a wonderful part of the mind is functioning.  This part of the mind has evolved into a sharp instrument for our survival.

It is our tool and yet we forget this; we become its servant. We are like zombies carrying around a plague that is controlling us in order to spread itself to more people (perhaps this is one of the reasons zombie apocalypse movies are so popular these days—we are subconsciously aware of this zombification)…

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Your Skill Set is Not As Important As You Think in Determining Your Career Path

Have you ever witnessed the baffling rise of an individual without specialized skill to the top of an industry? What about the slow but sure rise of the least skilled employee to the top of a company?

            If the world were a neat and tidy place the skill assessment test you took back at the beginning of your career would have clearly defined your path up to the present.

            Only it didn’t.

            Neither is the world neat and tidy nor is it a function of our skills.

            It functions according to storyline…

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What if You Could Know the Future…Just a Little Bit

The world is changing…fast. That is simply the truth.

No one can deny it.

But a lot of our awareness of the changes around us is superficial. Many current advances in technology are superficial. In fact, not only are they superficial, they are making us more superficial. We spend so much time on our phones and looking at images online these days.

Do you see a feedback loop happening here?

We are becoming more superficial and we are only able to see the superficial change all around us, which encourages us to be more superficial, and on and on.  Self-driving cars are an advancement, but do they make our lives more meaningful? Does being able to share images with anyone anywhere on Earth really deepen our connection to life?…

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What Totem Poles Can Teach Us About Hierarchy at Work

On a beautiful summer day in Victoria, British Columbia, I had a realization while standing in front of one of the tallest totem poles in the world.

            In a totem pole, each animal is sitting on another animal’s head, whether it be an eagle, a frog, a killer whale, or a human. The position on the head is important. In every animal on the totem pole, the head is the location of the most organs of the senses: eyes, ears, nose. And it is the location of the brain.

            When we look out through the eyes, for instance, we see every animal and person as essentially “on our head,” or in our brain. The title we give the animal or person. Whether we think they are nice, mean, ferocious, happy, inviting, cute, threatening. These are all traits that come from our heads. The animal is based on (read “sits on”) our own head…

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Our Careers Are Our Avenues for Life’s Highest Pleasures

Have you ever bought a brand new car and been so excited about it…for the first week? Have you ever cued up your favorite song and then realized that the song is over and you didn’t even enjoy it fully because your mind was somewhere else? Have you ever wondered why personal pleasure is great in theory but short-lived in practice?

            On the surface, reality certainly looks like its set up for us to achieve our pleasures, but the real story is very different. Individual pleasures are based on the assumption that we are just individuals. In actuality we are the totality of our experience and everyone in it…

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Have You Ever Made a Decision in Your Business That Just Didn’t Sit Right?

You couldn’t figure out why. All indications pointed to it being the right decision. Yet your gut was uneasy.

            Let me tell you a story about a client of mine. She was poised to grow her already thriving business even more. All the strategies were in place. The timing seemed right. Yet her gut was pointing her toward something else. She just didn’t know what that something else could be. We worked together using her astrological transit chart and found out that, for her, the season was ripe not for expansion, but for distilling down her offerings and specifying their fundamental essence. According to the astrological transit chart she was at a point in her career growth cycle in which she was meant to distill her work down to a potent kernel. From that kernal, in time, her business could grow to become an immovable oak tree.

            She felt such relief…

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Your Career is a Result of Your Life Story, Not Your Skill Set

Have you ever heard a qualified professional interpret a dream? The dream, which originally seemed like a nonsensical sequence of images, actually makes meaningful sense after hearing the interpretation.

            Your life and career follow the same principle: there is a storyline running beneath them. Once you hear that storyline you’ll understand not only where you have come from and why, but where you need to go from here forward…

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The World is Changing and You Need Guidance…Pronto

It was a different world just ten years ago. Technology is accelerating. It’s like a new language evolving even faster than we can learn it.

            We need guidance, but not guidance in navigating rapidly evolving technology. We need guidance about how to stay connected, grounded and in tune with ourselves during this exciting time.

            Every day is a new day with new technology. But the world is not new. The world is ancient. This new phase of evolution is arising from the world’s own dna at just the time it is meant to. So, the technology may feel new to us, but it is just the new face of an ancient world. An ancient world that recently shed its old skin like a snake…

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How to Turn the Economic Freefall to Your Advantage Using Astrology

What would happen if you loved to inhale and you hated to exhale? You would spend all your time inhaling and avoiding exhaling…and you would pop…and die.

Life is movement, and movement involves shifting between opposites: Up/down, forward/backward, expansion/contraction.  The economy is no different. It expands and contracts, just like our lungs. That’s what keeps us alive.

Not only does the movement between opposites keep us alive, it makes us thrive. With this in mind we can choose to see the upcoming economic crunch as an opportunity to thrive…

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The Reason Why You Are Weird

When we say that something is “weird,” what we are really saying is that we don’t understand it.

            This is where astrology comes in.

            Behavior that seems strange at the outset, even to the leading edge of western psychology, can be easily explained by understanding the astrological birth chart of the person involved.

            We humans are much more complex and fascinating than our popular culture allows. Sometimes we carry great contradictions within ourselves. This is because powerful archetypes inside of us are trying to reconcile their different energies. We have an entire universe inside ourselves. Just as there are powerful forces at play in the universe outside of us, there are also equally powerful forces at play within us…

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How to Channel Your Raw Sexual/Creative Energy Productively #GeorgeRRMartin #SelenaGomez #BruceSpringstein #FrankFrazetta #GordonRamsey #MarlonBrando

In our astrological birth chart our raw sexual/creative/destructive energy is reflected in where Pluto was when we were born.

In Greco/Roman mythology Pluto was the god of the underworld. In astrology Pluto symbolizes the power of our deep instincts.

The power that lies below the earth (in Pluto’s realm) is released through explosive volcanic eruptions.

Similarly, the powerful instincts that lie deep within us can erupt out of us in volcanic acts of creation, passion, or destruction.

That passion can be destructive or productive and creative depending on whether or not we know how to use it. We learn how to use it when we understand what Pluto was combined with when we were born, and thus we understand our own deeply personal passion power, and how to use it for good in our work…

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Are You Scattered? It May Be Your Gift #JoeRogan #AllessiaCara

Our biggest challenge in life is not troubling behaviors. Our biggest challenge in life is our lack of understanding of those troubling behaviors.

            Often in our most troubling behavior lies the most potent gift we have to give the world. The gift comes when we truly understand our behavior.

            For instance, say someone is scattered and all over the place. This is a common behavior pattern that can cause real damage to lives and relationships.

The multi-passionate side of themselves is a side they don’t yet understand. And this very side of themselves may harbor a unique strength that’s dying to find the right outlet…

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