Posts in Astrology
Where Your Treasure Chest of Skills and Knowledge is Hiding Inside You #RollingStones #BrianJones

In astrology the archetype of Jupiter is associated with abundance, growth, breadth and success.

Where do you have a breadth of knowledge? Where do you have an abundance of skills? Where do you experience growth easily? Where do you experience success so easily that you might write it off?

Jupiter is somewhere in the birth chart of every person. The planets that it combines with in your birth chart say a lot about where a breadth of knowledge and skills are waiting to be recognized in your life…

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Your Inner Visionary Revealed #ElonMusk #JimHenson

We all have a visionary within.

All of us.

Just because your inner visionary does or does not conform to societal standards about what a visionary should be, doesn’t make your inner visionary any less important.

            For instance, maybe your inner visionary daydreams about fabulous interior design layouts.

Still an inner visionary…

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Your Inner Emotional Life and How You are Seen in the Public Eye Can Both be Understood by the Position of the Moon at Your Birth #MaisieWilliams #AryaStark #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #GameofThrones

The position of the Moon the moment you were born, particularly the other planets it was aligned with, reflects both how you subjectively emotionally perceive the world, and how the world subjectively sees you.

            In astrology the Moon symbolizes our individual emotional identity. It also symbolizes our collective emotional identity. When we, as a collective, “feel” a certain way about a person in the public eye, that way we feel about them can be seen reflected in the alignments with the Moon when they were born.

            For example, both actress Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark in the HBO series Game of Thrones, and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, were born when the Moon was aligned with Neptune…

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How to Use Astrology to Align Your Will and Your Emotions #conormcgregor #fullmoon #newmoon

Do you set out to fulfill your life’s purpose and find that your emotions have hijacked your efforts?

            The universe we see when we look up at the night sky actually reflects the universe that is within us. Where the Sun and Moon were on the moment you were born reflects the relationship between your will (Sun) and your emotions (Moon).

            If you were born on a new or full Moon, for instance, your will and emotions are combined in a tense relationship. You may set out to consciously accomplish something through your will (Sun) and find that your emotions (Moon) side-track you.

            The lesson here is that people born with the Sun and Moon in a tense alignment actually need to integrate the caring, nurturing emotion-focused quality of the Moon into their conscious will…

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Is Life Aggressively Beating You Over the Head? Your Astrological Birth Chart Teaches You How to Quickly Turn that Dynamic Around #BrieLarson #Avengers #CaptainMarvel

When life seems to want to actively punish you, it is actually trying to strengthen you.

            According to astrology, the universe outside us reflects the universe within us. When the planets Mars and Saturn align in a tense angle in the sky, the alignment reflects that burdens, responsibilities, and reality checks (Saturn) are aggressively active (Mars). If you were born during this sort of alignment this theme is present throughout your whole life.

            What life is actually doing is trying to forge out of you a responsible (Saturn) warrior (Mars) with a bravely (Mars) self-possessed authority (Saturn)…

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Do Your Emotions Undermine Your Ability to Communicate Clearly? Here’s How to Align Your Emotions and Your Communication.

Are you frustrated that your message isn’t coming across? You try to communicate clearly, yet you go into a downward spiral in which the same emotions you want to communicate end up tripping you up.

The trick to communicating your emotions clearly and effectively lies in understanding your unique communication style.

In astrology communication, speech and thought are associated with Mercury. The emotions, childhood, family and home are associated with the Moon…

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Why Annoying People Can Be Good For Your Productivity

Those who were born with the Moon and Mars in alignment often play an interesting role in life: they bother us.

            In your astrological birth chart the Moon symbolizes your emotional identity. It reveals where we are emotionally comfortable and says a lot about the ways in which we emotionally bond with others…

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What the Stars Reveal About Donald Trump and Border Walls

In 2019 we face one of the most difficult planetary alignments and one of the most positive planetary alignments.

            If you’re new to astrology know that these alignments simply reflect and help us understand situations we’ll be wrestling with here on Earth over the next year. Looking at these alignments is like looking at the headlines in the news for the year, before the year happens…

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Wu-Tang Wisdom and Saturn's Hard-Earned Fruit

Saturn is the archetype of burden, pressure, hardship, isolation, limitation and work. The archetype of Saturn also includes everything that comes from facing these challenges, such as discipline, perseverance, rigor, responsibility, and maturity. Saturn is a great archetype for showcasing the homeopathic nature of astrology and of the universe in general...

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The Universe is Sending You an Evite

Dear Beloved Child,

I am sending you this Evite to invite you to step up and meet your full potential. I have actually sent you this Evite many times. You know how, when you don't reply to an Evite, it gets sent to you again and again. Those Evites I sent you could have been in the form of the relationship breakups, the sadistic bosses, the angry road ragers, the judging authority figures, the addictive behavior patterns. I have sent so many Evites. In fact, that's mostly what I do: send Evites to graduation parties. I love celebrating when you graduate to a new level of realizing your potential.

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The Buddha Had a Mowhawk

The Punk movement began in the mid-1970's, when Saturn and Uranus were in a particularly tense angular alignment known as a "square" (I was born under this very alignment). Saturn's archetype symbolizes authority and conservative values, as well as traditions and austerity. Uranus is in many ways the opposite of Saturn. It is the archetype of rebellion, disruption, revolution and freedom. Since the two planets, and thus their archetypes, were combined in a tense square angle in the mid-1970's we saw them struggling against one another, yet embodying one another...

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We Are Our Stories, But They Are Not Us

Every single human life, no matter what the content, from the most trauma-filled to the most boring, is merely a story. Not only is every human life a story, but it is a story telling itself to itself; there is no fixed underlying main character in the story. This is the aspect of reality that allows every human life equal access to freedom. By freedom I do not mean a mundane freedom involving physical, political, and/or economic freedom. No. That is more story. I mean freedom from the past, freedom from trauma, regret, remorse, depression, anger, negativity, in short: freedom from suffering...

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How Astrology Compliments Therapy and Meditation

Have you ever had a behavior that is causing you and those around you to suffer, yet is proving resistant to change? Since the advent of Freud and the birth of psychology at the start of the twentieth century, therapy has become the go to method for addressing these kinds of stubborn and destructive behavior patterns. I will here invent a hypothetical scenario to illustrate a point...

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Learn to Dance with Your Life

Picture two dancers conquering a partner dance on the dance floor. I know you've seen it. Maybe they were dancing swing, salsa, tango, whatever. But they were good. They were a marvel to watch. Wow. They push off each other, they pull in each other. One leads, the other follows. They move as if they are two, yet one. They appear so natural that they literally are the music...

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